Can A Catholic Be Saved
The Berean Call, April 1995:
A Dave Hunt Newsletter
Question--If a Roman Catholic believes whole heartedly
in the Lord Jesus Christ and is committed to serving Him as his
Lord; and if he believes that the only way his sins can be forgiven
is through Christ's death as atonement for those sins, and the
believer is repentance, how come he is not saved? Suppose a person
has salvation by faith alone, does he lose that salvation by
believing in infant baptism? Does he lose his salvation by believing
that communion is really the body and blood of Christ? Does he
lose his salvation if he believes in purgatory?
Answer--Any one who believes the gospel, which is "the
power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth"
(Rom 1:16), is saved, whether he be called Catholic, Baptist,
etc If, however, a Roman Catholic "believes wholeheartedly
in the Lord Jesus Christ," as the question suggests, then
he would find himself in great conflict with the doctrines and
practices of his Church. It is logically impossible for a Roman
Catholic to truly believe the gospel that saves and at the same
time to believe the tenets of Catholicism.
Let me ask you how a person can believe
that Christ's sacrifice on the cross for our sins is an accomplished
fact of history and that He is now at the Father's right hand
in heaven in a resurrected, glorified body and at the same time
believe that He "exists bodily as a wafer on Catholic altars
where He is perpetually suffering the agonies of the Cross and
being literally "immolated in the sacrifice of the Mass"
(Vatican ll, Flannery, pp 102-103)? How can a person believe
that Christ's redemptive work on the cross is "Finished!"
as He himself said (John 19:30) and at the same time believe
that the Mass is a Perpetuation of Christs sacrifice? How,
can one "Perpetuate and make Present" any Past event?
It is logically impossible. One may rememt5er or memorialize
a past event, but one cannot Perpetuate, it in the present. And
why would that be necessary inasmuch as Christ's death and resurrection
fully accomplished Christ's purpose?
Let me ask you how any person can believe
that Christ does not offer Himself repeatedly, as were the Old
Testament sacrifices (Heb 9:25;10:1-3), but that "once...
hath be appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself,...Christ
was once offered to bear the sins of many" (9:26,28), "this
man [Christ], after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for
ever, sat down on the right hand of God .... For by one offering
he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified .... there
is no more offering for sin" (10:12-18)-and at the same
time believe that the Mass is a "propitiatory sacrifice",
that takes away sin and that in it "the same, Christ who
offered himself once in a bloody manner on the altar of the cross
is contained and is offered in an unbloody manner"?(Catechism
of the Catholic Church, 1367) How can one believe, as Vatican
II states, that through Catholic liturgy, "especially in
the divine sacrifice of the Eucharist, the work of our redemption
is accomplished (i.e., is an ongoing process]" (Flannery,
p.l)-and at the same time believe that the work of our redemption
was accomplished once for all by Christ on the cross, as so many
scriptures clearly state? (Heb 9:12; Eph 1.-7; Col 1:14, etc.)
How can one believe that by simple faith in Christ one receives
eternal life and the assurance of heaven as a free gift of God's
grace, as the gospel that saves declares and at the same time
believe that God's grace and the merits of Christ (plus the merits
of Mary and the saints-who needs them if Christ is sufficient?!)
are contained in a treasury which the Roman Catholic Church possesses
and from which she dispenses in installments bits and pieces
of this grace (Vatican ll, Flannery, p 66, etc.) for attending
Mass, saying the rosary, penance, etc., etc.?
A Catholic can't believe in Christ alone
but in Christ plus baptism and the sacraments and other helps
given by the Church. Paul cursed the Judaizers who taught that
in addition to faith in Christ's finished work one also must
keep the Jewish law. That destroys the gospel. How, then, can
one believe in the gospel of Christ plus baptism for salvation
and the Mass as a propitiatory sacrifice and the other "sacraments
of the New Law" which Trent and Vatican 11 say are essential
for salvation, the necessity of the Church and its priesthood,
the intercession of Mary, purgatory, indulgences, etc.? You must
believe one gospel or the other; you can't believe two contradictory
gospels at the same time. Whoever believes in Christ alone, is
saved. Whoever believes in Christ plus anything else for salvation,
is lost. He has rejected the gospel of Christ which alone saves
those who believe it (Rom 1:16). And, indeed, those who preach
this "other gospel" come under Paul's anathema. (Gal
The Berean Call
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Bend, OR 97708