are one of a series
of information centers sponsored by Cephas Ministries. It has
a number of resources which address the difference between
Catholicism and Biblical teaching.There is no other religion
offering resurrection in Christ Jesus. Not even Catholicism
offers it. They teach grace through the Virgin Mary plus works
and Purgatory for the dead, which is not what God promised believers.
Much of the material we have collected in our research was written
and produced by former Catholics.
The Word of God was
written for lay people not only for the intellectuals. Former
Catholics, in spite of their lives within the Catholic church,
realized from Scripture study, that there are discrepancies between
Catholic doctrine and the Bible. They came out to tell their
brethren what they found. These records also address members
from the Lutheran and all other denominations who feel themselves
drawn to Pope Francis.
The pope who travels
the world, represents the Ecumenical spirit which is not the
Holy Spirit. The information we offer is to inform Christians
who focus on eternal life in Christ Jesus of Nazareth, as well
as Catholics and all other denominations. We advocate that understanding
the Holy Bible (KJV) is the only way to the truth.